Detailed Description:
Carbochem (IONPLUS MB-30) Mixed Bed Ion Exchange Resin (1 Cubic Foot)
Food Grade High-capacity, mixed bed, deionization Ion Exchange resin, use for both drinking RO system and aquarium and any other application to create 0 PPM resin.
If you are looking to use resin for specific aquariums or industrial, car wash, window cleaning, please search our industrial grade resin part # 104138-22
Deionization is the removal of mineral ions by using the ion exchange process. Using a mixed bed of anion and cation resins such as the IONPLUS MB-30, ions, salts and minerals can be entirely removed from the water.
If you use a RO membrane, the RO membrane has a direct impact on the life-span of the DI. The RO membrane can remove about 95-99% of TDS (minerals) in your water. When a deionization filter is used after the RO membrane, you can expect almost 100% removal of the TDS.
Excellent media for deionization of water for industrial, aquatic, and other water treatment applications.
All naturally-occurring water contains dissolved mineral salts. In solution, salts separate into positively-charged cations and negatively-charged anions. Deionization can reduce the amounts of these ions to very low levels through the process of ion exchange. Cations are removed by cation exchange resin. It replaces sodium, calcium, magnesium, and other cations with hydrogen ions (H). This exchange produces acids which must be removed or neutralized by anion exchange resin.
The IonPlus MB-30 is virgin resin. It is not used or regenerated resin.

- Exhaustion of Resin: DI resin can only remove a finite amount of ions from water before it becomes exhausted and needs to be regenerated or replaced. If the resin has been in use for a significant period or has processed a lot of water, it may simply be exhausted.
- Poor Packing or Channeling: If the resin isn’t packed tightly in its container, channels can form where water flows through the resin bed without proper contact, reducing the effectiveness of ion exchange. This can happen if the resin settles or if it wasn’t filled properly.
- High Water Flow Rates: If water flows through the DI resin too quickly, there isn’t enough contact time for the ion exchange process to occur effectively. This can result in lower-purity water.
- Contamination or Degradation of Resin: The resin can be contaminated by oils, organic compounds, or other chemicals that interfere with ion exchange. Physical degradation from mechanical wear or chemical attack (like from chlorine or other oxidants in the water) can also reduce its effectiveness.
- Incorrect Resin Type or Mixture for your application: Using the wrong type of resin, or an incorrect mix of cation and anion exchange resins, could also result in less effective ion removal.
- Temperature and Chemical Composition of Water: Higher temperatures can affect the efficiency of ion exchange. Additionally, the specific ions and chemicals in the water being treated can impact performance. Certain ions might be more difficult to remove or might require specific types of resin.
Filter Replacement Options and Alternatives for Item Number:104135-44