Tottenham residents want immediate action on water quality

Posted by on 3/15/2017 to Blog Articles


Mayor – Rick Milne Town of New Tecumseth
Councillor – Chris Ross Town of New Tecumseth
Councillor – Richard Norcross Town of New Tecumseth
and 3 others
Deputy Mayor – Jamie Smith Town of New Tecumseth
Councillor – Michael Beattie Town of New Tecumseth
Councillor – J.J. Paul Whiteside Town of New Tecumseth

Petition on

We the residents of Tottenham in the Town of New Tecumseth request that Council approve and action immediately the Implementation of Permanent Municipal Water Reverse Osmosis System for Tottenham.

For the last 16 years Tottenham in the Town of New Tecumseth has been informed that they will be connected to the “Collingwood-Alliston” pipeline. Connecting Tottenham to the Pipeline would increase water capacity as well as quality.

Tottenham currently has enough water in the municipal well system to accommodate the region till approx. 2022 (according to the 2016 draft Water master plan) However the water quality is high in Iron, Hardness and most notably Trihalomethanes (THM’s). These THM’s have exceeded the MOE standards of 100 mg/L at least since 2006 and most likely earlier than that.

However the pipeline is still MANY years out and even the start of this process which includes environment assessments and negotiations with land owners has not even started. The Town has had a number of reports prepared and delivered over the years (2008 Water Master Plan, 2011 Tottenham Water Treatability {to recommend reducing THM’s}) that recommend this happen sooner rather than later. In both cases the reason for not implementing the solution, (or any other solution to correct the water quality) is due to the lack/delay of development happening in the area, & cost of implementation.

During the February 2016 Public Meeting for the Updated Town of New Tecumseth Water Master Plan a few options were provided to improve the Tottenham water.

A. Connect to the pipeline (this would take approx. 8 years if all goes exactly as planned.)

B. Build a permanent Reverse Osmosis system for the Current Well system. (this would take approx. 2-3 years)

C. Implement a Temporary Reverse Osmosis system for the Current Well System. (this would take approx. 2 years)

The persons signing this petition would like Option B. Build a permanent Reverse Osmosis system for the Current Well system. Implemented and started immediately. This type of system would be able to improve the water quality in Tottenham in the near future, can connect to future systems (e.g. Pipeline) where option C cannot, is not dependant upon delays in infrastructure (development) or Collingwood providing sufficient quantities of water or improving their systems where Option A is.

The people of Tottenham pay for and deserve a high quality municipal water supply that is free from harmful carcinogens to be implemented in a timely manner without delay.